小叮当版的《国産精品久久久久久久》...讲述了小叮当和自己孪生姐妹的拉拉情...如果对小飞侠彼得潘没有特殊感情建议还是不要看了(更何况讲的是小叮当彼得潘一词没出来)...即使是再有童心大概也不会觉得这有什么意思...P.S:手贱往下一拖看到了这系列之前还有四部...好吧...我会忍着把你们看完的... 2013.7.22
▤「Whatever you're going through, someone's been through it before you, put it into words.」「We each have to carry our own burden.You're like the explorer. You're further down the road. You've gone on ahead. So if after a while you don't go on anymore, then I'll know that the road is too hard and for too long. I'll know that in the end, the unhappiness wins. But if you do go on and bear it, terrible as it is, then I'll know that however bad it gets, I can last it out because you did before me.」「Sudden Light By Dante Gabriel Rossetti」「Hold my hands and walk the old walk one last time then let me go.」